Latest Projects

Name Description
Model 2: Humans, chickens, phosphorus Industrial farming and fishing are disrupting the ecology of the Chesapeake Bay. Industrial farming is dumping large amounts of waste which contains phosphorus into rivers and tributaries which lead to the estuary, the Chesapeake Bay. The phosphorus is then consumed by the small amount of algae, cholorphyta, in the bay. The small amount of cholorphyta increase due to the large amounts of phosphorus entering the estuary. These algal blooms indirectly increase the microbes in the Bay. These microbes use up oxygen and other resources needed by marine life, especially fish. The result is the population of fish and other marine life rapidly decline.
Logistic Population of the United States, Pearl and Reed New project created from cloning a model
Exponential Growth of the United States New project created from cloning a model
Logistic Growth of Human Populations, Verhulst New project created from cloning a model
Exponential growth of human populations New project created from cloning a model
Malthus population growth Malthus said that the population would increase exponentially but the food supply would increase linearly. This could lead to a potential crisis when the population increases faster than the rate of potential food supply.
