Model Disease Spread in VERA-Epi


VERA now supports modeling of disease:

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted billions of people around the globe. While many areas are seeing improvement now, the battle is far from over. In light of these current circumstances, the VERA team wanted to use its resources to help. Over the past month, we have been busy working on a new advancement for VERA. We are now happy to announce the release of VERA-Epi (short for Epidemiology, the study of disease spread), a new domain where users can build models and run simulations of disease spread.

Interested in understanding and simulating ideas such as "social distancing" or "flattening the curve"? We have developed a tutorial and example model to walk through this exact problem. Our hope is that through modeling and experimentation with models of disease, interested people can better understand the situation we find ourselves in.

Ecological modeling is not going anywhere and remains the core focus of As a result, we developed a new site where these models can be built, though you can use the same account to log in with either.

We hope you give it a try.

Wishing the best to everyone!

The VERA Team @ DILab @ Georgia Tech